Why “Fillory”?

I have always wanted a single name, to be used as a prefix, with a nice sound and easy to remember and write.
Inside Fillory there is “Olli” on the contrary, I liked a reference to my first bitch that started my breeding … but it was not enough I wanted a more deep and important meaning!

It was early August of 2017 when I had my first litter, it was really difficult to start like this. So hard emotionally: the time of delivery was right, but I had very little puppies. The little Kiwi, born of 89 grams, has struggled with me and grew up fed with the milk biberon, every 2hours day and night, because he did not have the energy to drink from the tits.

While I was waiting the birth and during the entire days spent looking after the puppies without never leaving them alone, I watched a TV series called The Magicians.
The story was about a group of young magicians who discovered a parallel magical world, called Fillory.

This planet was like heaven: animals and plants coexisted peacefully, everything was in harmony and well-being. Over time, this perfect world turned out to be very complicated, with so many downsides and difficulties.

Fillory is closely related to my first litter, but also has another meaning: when I entered the dogs’ world, everything was so wonderful, work with dogs looked amazing, all people lovely, all positive, everybody work for the health of dogs, to improve the breed….I was wrong!! Dogs’ world hides a lot of competition, envy people, corruption.

My experience with the dogs’ world remind me so much Fillory’s world, beautiful only from the first sight.